Split Rock Blend
Our Half Calf Blend, paying homage to one of Derek's favorite places. You get to pick the flavor profile for this blend. Sweet Spot Roast
1. Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Caramel
2. Butter Caramel & Red Fruit
Origin: Decaffeinated Colombia and various other origins depending on your flavor profile choice.
Process Method: EA sugarcane Decaffeination process
Roast Level: Sweet Spot
Blend Story: The name is inspired by Split Rock Lighthouse on the North Shore of Gichigami (Lake Superior, MN), one of Derek's favorite places. To camp there is to be on the edge of the lake, giving the feeling of hovering in-between land and water. So the name is perfect for our half-calf blend, because it also hovers between. The Decaf being the base of the blend and depending on if you want a chocolate, nutty cup or a fruity, caramel cup we then choose what coffee makes up the rest.