Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe, Gargari Gutity


This offering is heavy on fruit, sweet, creamy body, and floral. Best of this year's Ethio Naturals. Origin Roast

We Taste: We taste- Fruit punch, ripe mango, fresh pineapple, and citrus blossom.

Origin: Ethiopia

Region: Yirga Chefe

Farm/Washing Station/Mill- Gargari

Variety: Kurume

Altitude: 1983 masl

Process MethodThe Natural lots are also handpicked at peak ripeness and then immediately spread across African drying beds to dry for approximately 19 to 25 days. Throughout this time, the cherries are regularly moved and rotated to ensure a uniform drying process. 

Roast level: Origin

Roasting Notes: I roast this green very quickly. It is a tiny bean, a Kurume variety which is related to the Mocca variety. So less overall cook time. This coffee has a lovely sweetness and creamy body, so no profile work needed there. Just finding the exact overall time(and phase times) and the perfect drop temperature to capture the most complex fruit forward flavor profile. 

Sourcing Notes: I sourced this coffee because it was the tastiest Natural Ethiopia I sampled. Every year I source multiple Natural Ethiopians. Each for a different end use or for it’s specific unique cup qualities. I also personally annotate one of these the best Ethiopia Naturals of the year. This is  that coffee for 2023 and early 2024. It is delicate and at the same time full. It is floral citrus and fresh red and tropical fruit. Very Complex yet natural approachable. 

Coffee Info/Story: Yirgacheffe Gargari Station is located in the Gargari Kebele or Village in the southern part of Ethiopia. It is managed by Birhanu Geda and is located 22 km from the city of Gedeb, consisting of 2.5 hectares, and sitting at an elevation of 1,983 m.a.s.l. Iti s dedicated to producing both washed and natural coffees, where more than 3,200 farmers contribute on a weekly basis, mostly with 74110 variety.

True Coffee Terroir-This Natural lot is a unique because it comes from a group of farmers who grow a variety locally known as “Kurume”, a super tiny bean comparable to the size of beans from the mocca variety!

The driving force behind these Gargari Coffee lots is their producer: Primrose Coffee, whom beyond their dedication to crafting outstanding coffees, are deeply committed to making a positive impact on the communities involved.

Led by Mr. Abreham Mengiste & Mrs. Meseret Workneh, they have focused on various social responsibility programs, such as schools and bridge construction projects, and providing essential school supplies to students. Primrose Coffee understands the importance of fostering sustainable growth and empowering the farmers who contribute to their success. From The Coffee Quest