Colombia, Huila, Finca Las Perlitas


This offering is equally fruity and nutty, with delicate floral notes, and clean citrusy finish.  It at times taste’s like a lovely Ethiopian, then a yummy Colombian, and then a juicy Kenyan. Very interesting and complex washed coffee. Origin Roast

We Taste:  Orange blossom, bergamot, almond bitters, and yellow fruit.

Origin: Colombia

Region: Huila

Farm/Washing Station/Mill-  coffee of various small lots from producers in Huila

Variety: Pink Bourbon, Caturra, Geisha

Altitude: 1600-2000 masl

Process Method: Washed

Roast level: Origin

Roasting Notes: I built this profile off of the roast profile for the Colombian i usually source for this spot in my lineup. Its a pretty hard charging hot quick start, with an extended mid phase, and a shorter controlled development phase. This style of roast captures all the qualities of this coffee I want to highlight. Heavy rich body, high intrinsic sweetness, exotic fruit flavors, and sweet delicate nut flavors. Enjoy!   

Sourcing Notes: I sourced this coffee to replace a yearly Colombian favorite that I source from Coffee quest but missed out on it this year. I cupped through many washed Colombians to find this one. Firstly it’s clean, bright cup was important for this offering. High exciting complex acidity was also needed. Then a unique flavor profile for a nuanced origin(light)roast. This coffee hit all the marks and some!!! It's my sleeper favorite of the year.

Coffee Info/story: In Spanish, Las Perlitas means “Little Pearls” and throughout the harvest, it’s quite common that small-holders in Colombia produce lots that aren’t large enough to be exported on their own. However, the quality is often just as good (or better) than samples received from larger lots. As such, we buy all coffees, regardless of size and create a larger, export-size lot based on cup score and profile.

The result is Las Perlitas Huila; a celebrated Washed coffee of various small lots from producers in Huila, whose farms range in elevation from 1,600 to 2,000 m.a.s.l. and grow Pink Bourbon. In most versions, there is usually a mix of varieties, which include Caturra, Pink Bourbon and even sometimes Geisha. However, with the amount of Pink Bourbon being planted in Huila these days, these lots are often very heavily weighted with that variety!

We needed a way to award this kind of commitment without punishing for the lack of volume, because that is not what specialty coffee is all about. It has definitely been a team effort with our buying stations across Huila, always hunting for these little pearls, but we are proud of the work we put in, and the producers that contribute to it.

The Coffee Quest believes in the ever-improving quality at farm level, and it is only natural for us to exalt those who, with great passion and perseverance, achieve a micro-lot quality coffee. The idea of Las Perlitas was born from this train of thought.

Let the beauty of our Las Perlitas Huila lots fill you with awe and captivate you with its fruity, complex profiles. If you are looking to elevate your coffee menu, look no further! - From The Coffee Quest